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There are ways to do fun Halloween things (including trick-or-treating) in a safe way:

If you choose to attend a party or take the kids trick-or-treating, remember these important safety guidelines:

  • Maintain physical distance from people you don’t live with.
  • Don’t substitute a costume mask for a cloth mask. Unless your costume mask is made of two or more layers of fabric and fits snugly around your mouth and nose, wear a cloth mask instead. Don’t wear a cloth mask under a costume mask, as this may make it hard to breathe.
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water isn’t available, use hand sanitizer.
  • If you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, you should not participate in in-person activities or hand out candy to trick-or-treaters.
  • Remember that outdoor celebrations are safer than indoor, particularly enclosed, poorly ventilated spaces

Information shared from Healthy Driven

If you and your friends are planning to celebrate Halloween in best costumes then visit Halloween Express San Diego. We have the best and largest selection of Halloween costumes, costume accessories, props, party supplies, home decor and decorations .

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